This HR Magazine article
by Samantha Arnold makes some excellent points about the problems with
surveys as they are commonly conducted and gives some advice for using
them effectively. Its well written, concise and agrees with what I
think. I like it.
Don’t get hung up on response rates. Create a results focus. Make it
easy for managers. Make it business-relevant. All good ideas. Even the
one commentor so far makes a great point – you absolutely must provide
follow up!
My own two cents’ worth would be about the very existence of a survey
in the first place. Mailing out sheets of paper or emailing a link to
an online survey to already very busy people is only going to be a great
idea if the information coming back is going to be both useful
used. HR folk and managers reading articles or approached by
consultants quoting other bits of research often provoke some employers
into conducting a survey of their own. I applaud research and
information gathering. I’m less enamoured with the shotgun-spraying of
Even if you find out that x% of those of your employees who responded
think they’re engaged or not engaged compared to y% which is the
national or industry average, what do you do with that? AND whether or
not employees think they are engaged isn’t the actual indicator of
engagement. That is their behaviour. A self-completed survey of what
people think is interesting and may reveal actions that need to be taken
BUT it won’t and can’t reveal engagement. That needs to be observed.
Engagement is not morale or climate or happiness. It is the
observation of discretionary effort. Make the effort and get out and
observe. That’s useful, accurate, objective and gets to your brain a lot
quicker than the aggregated results of a survey.